Have you ever seen those famous drag and drop uploading features on the websites? Yes, I am talking about the ones seen on dropbox and the latest example Facebook. The new feature is courtesy HTML5, which although will be officially released this year; but has gained a lot of attention. You might think that even the basic version of the drag and drop feature would be hard to understand, that is not the case. So, for all those who want to integrate that feature in their website, here is a step by step guide on how to apply it:
Web 2.0 is here to stay and the web technologies that made it “2.0” have also matured enough to move on to Web 3.0? Web is more intelligent, user friendly and interactive. Rich Internet Applications (RIA) have successfully caught the users’ attention and brought the desktop experience to browser. The transformation of desktop experience to browser played a key role in quick adoption of web 2.0. In this article we will take a look at some of the JavaScript APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that made it all happen.
HTML5 is gaining a lot of steam lately but it’s ultimate test would be to bring to the browser what it’s rival Flash is already doing – Interactive browser based games. So I thought of compiling a list of browser based games that have been released or are in testing phase. All of these games are purely coded in HTML5 and most of these are even Open Source so if you want to try out building something for your own idea, you can use their codebase.
Adobe decided to reply to Steve Job’s accusations by launching an Ad campaign focused on their “Love for Apple”. Adobe’s founders emphasize that Web is Open but Apple is trying to dictate what and how content should be made and distributed over the mobile web.
Running a small particle generation experiment to see FPS (Frames per Second) on my iPod touch 3.1.3 clearly shows that there’s marginal difference between HTML5 Canvas rendering engine optimized to run on Safari that comes with iPhone/iPod touch and iPad and plain old HTML and JavaScript. Moreover, HTML5 comparison on iPod touch and Nexus One is absolutely astonishing.