If you wish to catch up with the ever-changing world, you must recognize the connecting thread between us – the cyberspace which unites talent from around the world. In the global village, it is essential to find ways to communicate and collaborate with the other in the best manner possible. Although tools like Google Hangout and Skype have made things quite simpler and easier, the combination of a collaborative interface meant for webinars and document sharing and review would surely be something different and far more useful. Vyew is a unique platform where you can manage rooms on various categories and participate in them to learn what is needed. In Vyew Rooms, you can hold video sessions with a large number of people while having the ability to upload content for review. Fellow team members can then review, comment and improve the documents in real-time for the greater good. This real-time collaboration and conferencing tool has uses in all type of fields including education and business operation. The best thing is, you can leave content in categorized rooms for later viewing. Read on after the jump, to learn more about sharing your vyew.

The best way to visualize Vyew is to think of multiple meeting rooms being assigned a certain task till their completion. The relevant time members and their work lay within the confinement of each room and this opens up for public viewing whenever needed. In addition, each room is a collaborative space where you can use notes and drawing tools to express your ideas, plans and strategies for team viewing and tracking. Another useful feature is the ability to upload all sorts of documents and files to a space or a room while having the freedom to invite in people having interest in the theme. To organize information or work in a more refined manner, Vyew allows you to maintain pages within rooms so that relevance and convenience go hand in hand. It also helps in defining process flows for the overall team. The vital features of the application are accessible from the top panel allowing you to browse through the Main Menu, Invite, Create & Manage Rooms. The left sidebar provides all the buttons necessary for drawing and linking processes and ideas such that an effective ideation (brainstorming & mind mapping) and virtual management utility is benefitted from.


Vyew also allows you to edit documents in realtime while keeping track of things that really matter to you.

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