The genius behind Google's latest release of its web browser, Google Chrome, has been the continued efforts and the hardwork of its developer community that it calls "Google Chromium". The community is rapidly increasing, inducting scores of amateur as well as experienced developers into its rank, its speculated that Google might be preparing for an all-out war against its bitter foe at Redmond, Microsoft. Its everybody's guess where the war is aimed at: Microsoft's fortified OperatingSystem market.
Very slowly and smartly, Google -with its browser-is approaching the giant, aiming to dismantle its big enterprise and possibly bring an end to more then a decade old Microsoft OS Empire. How would Microsoft respond? It already has announced and is vigorously supporting its Software-as a-Service architecture which is its version of Cloud Computing but since its not ready to surrender its fortified-code castle, the battle lines are drawn.

How would the next generation of OS look like? Will Microsoft adapt to the new trend? Or will the battle continue until a decisive victory? These are the questions worth finding answers for.