This is a guest post written by Jawad of HardwareInsight

With millions of blogs jamming the entire internet, its getting tougher and tougher to generate and flock quality and targeted traffic to your blog. Here are some handy and really effective tips to get quality traffic for your blog.

1. Give food to the Search Engines

Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and AltaVista are perhaps the best sources of getting quality traffic. Traffic that comes through these engines has greater chance to give you dollars before it leaves your blog. So serve these engines with proper food:

o Install and use plug-ins that provide good SEO, you can find the best among them here

o Use proper tags for html. Tags are not usually only the keywords, they can be phrases. Take it this way; try to tag all those phrases that you come up with relating to your post, that a user may search on search engines. For example you have a post iPhone or iPoor , if the user passes query on search engines as ‘iphone or ipoor’ then the search engine will display the link to your blog usually among top 5 depending on your blog's page rank. However if user passes a query ‘iphone VS ipoor’ and you have tagged this phrase too, then the search engine will also give a top link to you blog

o Try to make the title of post simple, without any characters other than letters and number. Think what the people may type in the search engine. Target current hot topics related to your blog and title them with what you would search on Google if you were to look for the material on web related to this post. Do not use titles like 3 ways to do this, 10 way to do that etc instead use titles like how to do this or that.

o Last but not least try to write post for other blogs either guest post or paid post to get a link-back to your blog, by doing this, it's a high probability that search engines refer to your blog.

2. Join Communities:

Join communities at Orkut, Facebook, Flickr etc having a lot of members and that relate to your blog. Become a prominent member of the community. Try to write good topics and comments so that members may start knowing you. Don’t give the link to your blog or any website till a month or two. Afterwards you can post link to your blog in the community and the members who read you posts, who trust on you that who write quality posts, will go to your blog and become the permanent reader of your blog!

3. Content is the king:

Perhaps the most important thing is this! Do not copy and do not post unnecessary post just for the sake of increasing the posts; write a quality post. A simple yet good post can generate good traffic. For example this simple post generated more than 1500 views in just 3 day on a 1 day old blog! This proves Content is the King. If only one person likes your post, he'll recommend it to his/her friends and they'll do the same and a chain reaction will start. In this scenario you have to do nothing, just write a quality content and stumble it and Digg it once, the content itself will do the rest of the job.

Provide sections in you blog that serve regular users, for example a featured video daily or weekly , downloads, games etc