It started back in summer 1999 and took the world by storm. Today blogging has becimageome something without which the modern worker cannot survive. Not only individuals but whole companies. Such is the power of blogging!

It has been a long journey, but one that’s mostly filled with successes rather then setbacks or failures. So what is that ONE reason that brought this, well I call it the Blog Revolution, upon us? Let me give you a hint:

It’s the same thing Google did to the web. If you still cannot guess then you probably don’t belong to our world! Its the removal of any distance whatsoever between your thoughts and web pages! This was one of the deciding factors of this massive upward trend which started back in 2003-2004 when Google acquired Blogger which, at the time of acquisition had 250k uniques per month. Today it’s 300 million!

So, Happy Birthday Blogger! May you have many more. As promised, Google will be giving back to the thriving community of Bloggers by putting in new features pretty soon.

Some of the really inspiring stories of how Blogger has helped some people change their lives:


And here’s the journey down the memory lane:



2001, 2002 and 2003 remained pretty much the same:

2004 till today: