
For those who loved the (now virtually dead) Palm OS would be delighted to know that now they can enjoy the same Palm OS with all it’s apps up to version 5.2 on the newly launched Palm OS emulator for iPhone. There are around 30,000 applications written for the Palm OS and the creators claim that you would be able to run most of them on this emulator called “StyleTap”.


The Palm OS emulator has almost all the Palm OS functionalities including:palm-os-for-iphone

  • Virtual TCP/IP support
  • You can cut and paste text and images from the Palm OS apps into the native iPhone OS apps.
  • It also support virtual memory card for the apps that use memory card.
  • You can record and playback Audio and Video.

In short, it is a complete emulator with backward compatibility with the iPhone OS on which it runs.

There’s one catch: You have to Jailbreak your iPhone or iPod touch to enjoy Palm OS on your device. The app is available on Cydia which is an App Store for jailbroken iPhone and iPod touch and it costs $49.99 which is well worth this app but you can experience the app for free here.


Style Tap – Palm OS emulator for iPhone and iPod touch

Unlock and Jailbreak iPhone 2G, 3G and 3Gs:

Jailbreak iPod touch: