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by on February 21st, 2009

I just discovered a nice improvement by Microsoft regarding maintainability of Windows .I was experiencing some screen disturbance and flicking among drawn windows and taskbar on my desktop. It didn’t bothered me much because I thought its some lag in the Beta version. Then I noticed the action center and saw this popup:

Windows 7 automatically detected the problem I was having with the display driver of my PC and put it up in the action center for resolving. I clicked Open Action Center and saw the problem to be queued up in the maintenance category:

by on February 4th, 2009

If  ‘Send Feedback’ link at the title bars of all Windows in Windows 7 Beta is creating trouble for you, or you have already disabled it and want to enable it again then here are few tips to do this (Although it is not recommended to disable it):


by on January 30th, 2009

Haven't seen Windows 7 yet? and want to experience its features without tending to install it? Some cool people at InfoWorld have done a series of 10 videos showcasing what's new in Windows 7 Beta. Enjoy:

by on January 30th, 2009

Windows 7 team has announced that there will be no Beta 2 for Windows 7. The next milestone for Windows 7 is RC1. There are just two steps more to the General Availability.


Following is a brief summary of Windows 7 Milestones:

by on January 11th, 2009

Just in case you missed it. This year round, things were different for Microsoft as Ballmer gave the keynote for the first time at CES since the self-retirement of Gates last year changed pretty much around Microsoft. Ballmer gave the vision of pursuing the next tech avenue of merging PC, phone and TV. He also talked about democratizing' PC market by ventures like OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) and NetBooks.