Is it not becoming more of a “BiasedCrunch” rather then what it actually started as, a place for crunching startups and everything related to them. But recently, am sure you people would also have noticed, it has become more of a place to advertise third-grade startups (and you know what’s the way to get a review for your third grade startup: Pay them!) and this is something which Michael bashed about not too long ago when someone contacted him to offer an incentive to promote his rubbish and Michael went way too far but I think it was more of a Media exercise rather then a real practice.


So TechCrunch inducts this new Journalist; and I must admit that I admire her way of covering the valley and the “web2.0 enterprise” but then it turns out that she is doing more then just tech reporting. She’s politicizing it!

This article recently appeared on TC; you judge for yourself whether it’s biased or not:


My question: Is Global Entrepreneurship EQUAL TO Israel? Is it? Please go and read the article yourself and also glance at the comments that follow.

I dont have anything more to say. period.