Apps based on Twitter are buzzing all around but you probably won’t have heard of many great (yes, I say great!) reads on the micro-blogging phenomena ushered in by Twitter. These books I have collected range from the Dummies series (Twitter for Dummies) to the most advanced reader who wants a peek into the design and the whole concept revolving around Twitter.

The list has been organized depending upon certain factors like number of hits on Google (search results which show how many times a certain book is quoted) and of course Amazon ratings.

Enjoy the read!

1) Twitter Power: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time
By Joel Comm, Ken Burge


2) The Twitter Book
By Tim O’Reilly, Sarah Milstein


3) Twitter Revolution
By Warren Whitlock, Deborah Micek

4) Twitter Means Business: How Microblogging Can Help or Hurt Your Company
ByJulio Ojeda-Zapata

5) Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets
By Paul McFedries